This is us on our first loaded outing - in the rain too!

Hi I'm thinking we need to go back a bit and add a few details I missed in earlier blogs. So we were in LaHave to take down the shed - you did see those photos, well we went back a few weeks later and put up the new shed here it is. It is not so big but will hold the lawn mower and a few other things. We will also build a lean to for fire wood off it.

We also finally put a proper step at the back door. Jim Seaboyer helped us with this again - Bricks and Stone - he does lovely work.
We also met up with Trish and Ross and the boys in Lunenburg. Bryson had been competing in the Canada Games in PEI and when the games were over the family, Kevin too, travel to Cape Breton to track down some of Ross's family roots and enjoy the sights. They then drove down to Hubbard and met us on one of their day trips from there in Lunenburg.

We had a wonderful day as you see it was beautiful. We had a nice lunch at Magnolia's poked around in the shops and explored the streets the buildings are so amazing.

This is the restored Saint Johns Anglican. It is truly beautiful, the restoration is amazing - you do not feel like it is a restoration it feels authentic, the acoustics are great as there was an organ recital going
http://www.stjohnslunenburg.org/ Be sure and visit!

And we walked around the Lunenburg Academy - wouldn't it be great to go to school there.... It is still the elementary school.
It was such a great day so nice to hang out with friends from Yukon in our Nova Scotia home.
Then we went off to Utah. Had a wonderful time and got back to PEI where we regrouped - changed our flight to California we were headed on the 30th of Sept now the 14th. The house in LaHave is not rented and there are a few things to do there still so we are back in LaHave till we head off to Cali.
We get there on Wed - tried not to buy much at the Masstown Market because we know the Lunenburg Farmers Market is Thursday morning. We have taken our bike this time so we can get some miles under our belts - the market is our first destination. We had packed the bikes in their cases in PEI to transport to NS, Wed pm was bike assembly...

It was kind of overcast we hesitate the bikes but we get on them, paniers empty and this is the view from the ferry! Such a lovely sail then ride over Indian Path to Lunenburg. It really only took about 45 min.

Oh the veggies!! and the Hat Ladie she makes amazing hat Ian has to drag me away.

Isn't fall amazing! and the Nova Scotia apples and pears....

Field tomatoes a few still but most are ripening in the window sills now.

Ah our stove nothing like a fire on a cool evening! And it really came in handy today.
After several amazing beautiful days we have enough work done that we can plan a couple overnights with our bikes - we have not tested out our packing abilities - can we get everything we need in the trailers - how many panier's will be need..
Well the weather changed and the heavens opened. It wasn't cold but it was raining. We ride to Broad Cove 20km and have a wonderful lunch at Best Coast Coffee Cafe mmmm Fish cakes and panini. We hop back on our bike and ride back to LaHave- it was really raining now!
But we get home and jump in the tub - lots of hot water and our favorite tub a great day. We now know we can get what we need in the trailers the bikes and trailers perform beautiful. It is really easy going. Sure the hills will be slow but we were going about 20km an hours and it felt good with the configuration we have the bikes panier's and trailer set up.
We may not have overnighted but we got through the excises of the packing and felt what the load was like.
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