Thursday, February 4, 2010

The coffee pot

the espresso pot

Hi Everyone,
We have forgotten to report a major event in our travels. Just before we crossed into Mexico - when we were at the KOA outside of San Diego Ian broke the coffee pot - again. This espresso pot was purchased by Diana in Whitehorse when her friend Gordon was coming up for a visit. Gordon was a big coffee drinker and this seemed the best easiest way to provide coffee while were were car camping around the Yukon and Alaska. That was probably 1991.
This post has faithfully provided a good cup of coffee every time since then. The little knob on the top needed re-securing a one point so I fixed that. Then Ian started taking it on NOLS trips with him one time he broke off the little attachment that the water pushes through - so I fixed it with JB Weld. Another time he lost one of the handle pins - so I replace it with a piece of nail and secured it with JB Weld. Then the handle top got broken so I mended it. Well the little end on the filter broke off again - no need to say who did it but we had no JB Weld and I wasn't sure I could get it to stay on anyways. Ian suggested in light of the difficulty to find coffee beans in Mexico and the difficulty he had had finding white gas for the stove and the weight/space issues with bike travel maybe we should try and go without coffee..... A radical thought!
Well it wasn't that hard for me as I do like tea as well so it was up to Ian. Well he decided to try it. So the parts of the pot went into the recycling and we went off with the remaining ground coffee. By San Miguel we were coffee-less and none the worse for it.
Now we will report that we still drink coffee! we just drink it when someone else makes it for us.
We have had our fair share here in OZ.
bye for now
D and I

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